
How Do You Show Empathy While Maintaining Professional Boundaries?

How Do You Show Empathy While Maintaining Professional Boundaries?

Navigating the delicate balance between empathy and professional boundaries can be challenging for therapy professionals. We sought advice from seasoned therapists, including Marriage and Family Therapists and an AMFT, to bring you their wisdom. From ethically declining social invites to maintaining focus through active listening, here are four invaluable strategies they recommend.

  • Decline Social Invites Ethically
  • Foster Client Self-Compassion
  • Balance Validation with Self-Care
  • Maintain Focus with Active Listening

Decline Social Invites Ethically

Due to the bond you develop with your clients, it is natural that some of them tend to think of you as their 'friend.' I've had clients ask me to concerts, lunch, parties, etc. I have graciously thanked them and let them know, as much as I care for them, I am their therapist.

I let them know it actually goes against my code of ethics to socialize with them, and that I could lose my license to spend time with them in this way. I value my work so much in order to help them, and others like them, I would never do anything to hinder this time I am allowed to spend with them. I feel honored they have asked me, but I have to say no. In the way I explain it, they understand and walk away graciously from the invitation.

Pam Bauerle
Pam BauerleRelationship and Sex Therapist, LMFT, CSTIP, Couples Resource Collective

Foster Client Self-Compassion

As therapists, we maintain professional boundaries by actively listening, making reflective statements, and establishing clear guidelines at the start of therapy. One of the most effective ways I manage these boundaries is by helping clients shift from seeking empathy from me to developing self-compassion. When clients learn to be compassionate toward themselves, it strengthens their internal support and naturally clarifies the boundaries between us, ensuring a more effective and professional therapeutic relationship.

Natalie Kusturic
Natalie KusturicMarriage and Family Therapist, SUNO

Balance Validation with Self-Care

Understanding and validating my clients' feelings without internalizing their emotions or allowing their needs to overshadow my well-being helps me to consistently practice empathy in sessions. This process includes regularly reflecting on my own emotional state and seeking supervision or peer support when needed to maintain a healthy balance. At our practice, we have weekly case-consultation meetings, where we also discuss what comes up for us as therapists in our sessions to prevent emotional entanglement and help us stay grounded both during and after the sessions.

Elvan Kama Kurtz
Elvan Kama KurtzLicensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Choosing Change Counseling

Maintain Focus with Active Listening

One piece of advice for maintaining professional boundaries while still showing empathy to your clients is to practice active listening while being mindful of the therapeutic role. Empathy involves deeply understanding and validating your clients' experiences, but it's important to keep the focus on their needs and goals rather than becoming personally involved. Establish clear boundaries from the beginning, and consistently reflect on the therapeutic relationship to ensure that your empathy supports your clients' growth without compromising your objectivity or professional distance. This balance helps create a safe and effective therapeutic environment.

Rachel Reeves
Rachel ReevesAMFT, Relate Counseling Services

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